A multiplication table in Python

A multiplication table in Python is important for learners as it reinforces basic arithmetic, introduces looping and iteration concepts, enhances pattern recognition and mathematical logic, and builds foundational Python programming skills. It offers practical experience in coding, particularly in working with loops, functions, and problem-solving, setting a strong foundation for more advanced programming challenges.

In this episode of Practice Python problems & efficient solutions at RoboticView.com Art Yudin explains step by step how to make a multiplication table using Python.

Python Multiplication Table Solution.

The Python code below is used to generate and print a multiplication table for numbers from 1 to 10. Let's break down how it works step by step,

for i in range(1, 11): - This is the outer loop that iterates from 1 to 10, inclusive. It represents the rows of the multiplication table.

for j in range(1, 11): - This is the inner loop nested within the outer loop. It also iterates from 1 to 10, inclusive. It represents the columns of the multiplication table.

print("{:4}".format(i*j), end='') - Inside the inner loop, this line calculates the product of i and j (i.e., i*j), formats it to occupy four spaces ({:4}), and then prints it without moving to a new line (due to end='').

The inner loop continues to execute, calculating and printing the products for the current row (i) with all columns (j) within that row, all on the same line.

print(end="\n") - After all columns for the current row have been printed, this line adds a newline character (\n) to move to the next line. This prepares for the next row in the outer loop.

The outer loop (for i in range(1, 11)) repeats this process for each row, resulting in a complete multiplication table being printed to the console.

The format method is used to ensure that the products are aligned properly in columns, so each number occupies four spaces. This makes the table neatly organized and easy to read.