Anagram Python Solution

Anagram Python problems are important for learning how to code as they promote algorithmic thinking, encourage the use of data structures and string manipulation, and enhance logical reasoning and problem-solving skills. Mastering these skills through anagram challenges not only strengthens coding proficiency but also prepares individuals for coding interviews and real-world programming tasks.

Anagram Python problem:

An anagram is a word or phrase formed by rearranging the letters of another word or phrase, using all the original letters exactly once. In other words, it's a rearrangement of characters that results in a different but valid word or phrase.

For example,

listen and silent

add and dad

Anagram in Python explained.

Python code in the file below defines a function named word_dic that takes a single argument, word. The purpose of this function is to create a dictionary that counts the frequency of each letter in the given word. Here's how it works step by step:

d = {}: This line initializes an empty dictionary named d. This dictionary will store the letter-frequency mapping.

for letter in word:: This is a for loop that iterates over each character (letter) in the input word provided as an argument to the function.

if letter in d:: Inside the loop, it checks if the current letter is already a key in the dictionary d. If the letter is already present, it means it has been encountered before in the word.

d[letter] += 1: If the letter is already in the dictionary, it increments the corresponding value by 1. This keeps track of how many times that letter appears in the word.

else:: If the letter is not already in the dictionary, it means it's the first occurrence of that letter in the word.

d[letter] = 1: In this case, it adds the letter as a key to the dictionary d and sets its value to 1 since it's the first occurrence.

The loop continues to iterate through each letter in the word, updating the dictionary with the frequency of each letter.

Finally, the function returns the dictionary d, which contains the count of each letter in the input word.

word1 = input("Give me a word "): This line prompts the user to input the first word and stores it in the variable word1.

word2 = input("Give me another word "): Similarly, this line prompts the user to input the second word and stores it in the variable word2.

if word_dic(word1) == word_dic(word2):: Here, it calls the word_dic function for both word1 and word2 to create dictionaries that count the frequency of letters in each word. Then, it compares these dictionaries to check if they are equal. If they are equal, it means that the two words have the same letters with the same frequencies, indicating that they are anagrams.

If the dictionaries are equal, the function returns True, indicating that word1 and word2 are anagrams of each other. Otherwise, it returns False.

In summary, this anagrams function checks if two input words are anagrams by comparing the frequency of letters in each word using the word_dic function. If the dictionaries are equal, it returns True, indicating that the words are anagrams; otherwise, it returns False.