Learn how to build mobile apps with Python and Django

Develop versatile iOS and Android apps using Python with RESTful web services. Dive into full-stack development with Django, a powerful Python framework, and React Native, the most in-demand JavaScript library.

Begin by building a mobile app using the RESTful APIs and React Native. Starting from scratch, create a database and serialize the data with Django REST to serve APIs. Then build the front-end with React and mobile apps for iOS and Android with React Native.

By the end of the book, you’ll have developed three apps powered by Django—a desktop React app, an iOS app, and an Android app. Discover the whole process of developing apps from inception to distribution of an iOS app in the Apple store and an Android app in the Google Play store.

Develop RESful APIs with Python and Django

  • Develop Web an d Mobile Apps using the Model-View-Controller pattern
  • Facilitate the communications between the back-end and front-end of web apps with HTTP
  • Design a robust front-end for an app with React
  • Create one back-end solution for both iOS and Android devices with Django
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